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The Transition Movement

Last updated: 2009-02-08 On this page: {Intro} {} {} {} {} {Transition via media} (films, i/v's etc) {On-line Resources} (handbooks, etc) {Refs} (and books; books: the other medium!) {Links}

Transition via media

(films, i/v's etc) -[
I/V with Jennifer Gray]- via: -[]- -[Why are things falling apart?]- i/v w/Richard Heinberg on oil and such. -[]-

On-line Resources

(handbooks, etc) btw: "Kinsale" is pro-nunskiated: kihn sayl (silent e on the end) -[
The Kinsale 2021 Handbook]- (pdf) An energy-descent action plan; version 1, 2005 -[Rob Hopkins: more]- via: -[Local copy on gaia-studies...]- -[The Kinsale 2021 Handbook]- Press release


(and books; books: the other medium!)


Transition culture]- Links to "Transition Movement: Who we are" doc. -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]-