See also: [TIME LINE] (brought to you by Acme Time Conveyor Products)
(The Linnean Space-Time Conveyor (Da Plantz; das phyta - Nicht vahr?)
[Fungi] (mushrooms anyone?)
Division: [Zygomycota]
Class: [Hymenomycetes]
Division: [Oomycota]
[Chysophyta] Autotrophs: Aalgae & Diatoms
Class: [Chrysophyceae (golden algae)
[Xanthophyceae (yellow-green algae)
[Acillariaophyceae] (diatoms!)
[Euglenophyta] (yeahh! It's the Euglena!)
[Chlorophyta] Green Algae
Class: [Charophyceae]
[Chlorophyceae] Number 3: Volvox. Volllvox. Number 3....
[Plantae] (factory floor)
Division: [Hepatophyta] Liverworts (byrophytes next 3 exits)
[Anthocerophyta] Hornworts
[Bryophyta] Mosses
[Sphenophyta] Horsetails
[Pterophyta] Ferns
[Coniferophyta] Behold the mighty Pine!
[Ginkophyta] (ginko for health!)
[Anthophyta] (and there were flowers)
Class: [Monocotyledones] || Threes...
[Dicotylednes] \|/ Fours, fives,...